[How ‘Not In That Way_Sam Smith’ kills a person]
Percaya ataupun enggak, lagu Sam Smith yang satu ini beneran punya kemampuan untuk ngebikin orang jatuh di tengah-tengah suasana hati mati.ato.enggak.kerasa.sama.aja.elu.ga.peduli.ini.you.cruel.witch How come? Just absorb these depressing lines while listening to the song ( sad depressing intro comes out ) And I hate to say I love you When it’s so hard for me And I hate to say I want you When you make it so clear you don’t want me I’d never ask you cause deep down I know what you’d say You’d say I am sorry, believe me, I love you but not in that way ( at this point, you will find yourself sta r ing at the d istance aimlessly ) And I hate, to say you I need you I’m so reliant, I’m so dependent, I’m such a fool When you’re not there, I find my self singing the blue Can’t bear, can’t face the truth You will never know that feeling You will never see through these eyes ( and fe el some hatred through d e spair ) I’d never ask you c...