Good Worker isn’t (always equal with) Good Coworker
[FYI]: This post was written months ago, but since I haven’t post anything for almost 2 months and I don’t want you guys to assume that I am dead or something, here…a piece of crap to distract your attention and at the same time cover my laziness lol. Enjoy (but what to enjoy from another absurd post really, lol..) Let’s just take a moment to contemplate the title of this post before we point out our finger to my face –literally- and say "No post for more than a month and now this? really? cant you just live your life without being cynical??" LOL oh my God I can’t help being me –the pessimistic rational version of me to be exact- please ruwat gue >.< The reason why I ask you guys to contemplate this is because deep inside your heart, there is this very tiny part of you who corresponds this title but at the same time you also believe there are things that better left unsaid. –this argumentation is so dull, really- Ok, ok, that’s quite a long intro ac...