Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale Review (Ep. 10: The Winds of Winter)

Everybody knows that final episodes of Game of Thrones always so grande we won’t dare to put high expectation on anything especially our favorite characters’ life. LOL we are so used to being depressed and shattered by the unexpected death of our heroes. Last year, I couldn’t handle the final episode very well. I still remember the horror look on my face which reflected on my blank monitor the moment I saw Jon Snow laid down on the snow, bled so much, and probably did not breathe anymore. So…well, I guess this episode needs more than death scene to make me experience another mental breakdown. -I mean, I had been thrown into my rock bottom last year and yet I still managed to survive :p - Okay, so let the review begins. This episode started with a very calm atmosphere. We were escorted to see one same scene from several point of views. For a few minutes, no one said a thing and there was only one agitating backsound that made me believe something big was about to happen. Unfor...