Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale Review (Ep. 10: The Winds of Winter)

Everybody knows that final episodes of Game of Thrones always so grande we won’t dare to put high expectation on anything especially our favorite characters’ life. LOL we are so used to being depressed and shattered by the unexpected death of our heroes.
Last year, I couldn’t handle the final episode very well. I still remember the horror look on my face which reflected on my blank monitor the moment I saw Jon Snow laid down on the snow, bled so much, and probably did not breathe anymore. So…well, I guess this episode needs more than death scene to make me experience another mental breakdown. -I mean, I had been thrown into my rock bottom last year and yet I still managed to survive :p -
Okay, so let the review begins.
This episode started with a very calm atmosphere. We were escorted to see one same scene from several point of views. For a few minutes, no one said a thing and there was only one agitating backsound that made me believe something big was about to happen. Unfortunately, my feeling was right. After that quiet scene, there was a huge occurrence that caused so many deaths –important or unimportant role, expected or unexpected death-. Strangely, the atmosphere still so quiet and that was brilliantly brought some horror vibes along. I felt goose bump all over my body while guessed the purpose of those deaths.

the picture is taken from here

Cersei went mad. She showed us that she still had all those dreadful powers we thought already lost under the High Sparrow dominion. She burnt everyone like nothing and declared war against her enemies -High Garden and Dorne prepared to join the game-. I don't know what kind of war waiting ahead but it is sure a humongous one since Cersei already lost her precious children and she is going to get revenge. -although she is the one who caused Tommen to commit suicide :/ Yeah, serve you right b*tch -

After the great chaos scene, the story of Daenerys took place, so did the Stark siblings’. It looked like all relatively-insignificant-minor-role being wiped out on purpose and the only purpose was to clear a path for the big three pillars on the next season.

the picture is taken from here

Daenerys sailed across the narrow sea with all ammunitions and alliances she had. Dragons, ships, armies, a capable advisor, you name it. The Mother of Dragon had it all.

On the other hand, House Stark started to gain its power back. Even though I still a bit uncertain with Sansa’s loyalty toward his bastard brother, it doesn’t matter as long as Arya keeps moving and going straight to Winterfell –Arya is a quite skilled assassin now and she is definitely going to choose Jon over that unstable Sansa :p-

the picture is taken from here

Jon Snow had been through a lot as someone who was dead at the beginning of the season. Being resurrected, left the Night Watch, gathered army door to door, watched his own brother being shot dead, almost got (re)killed himself, defeated Ramsay,.. his personality sure had grown along with every sorrow he experienced.

I overjoy by the story development and satisfy by this ‘teaser’ of the next season. The show must come to an end eventually and this final episode has shown us that the end is somewhere near. Thanks for every cast who have played their role flawlessly –yeah, Iwan Rheon too- and of course the whole team who was able to build those difficult scenes beautifully –I specifically want to thank the composer for those wonderful music pieces for example the background music in closing part of Hold the Door and The beginning part of The Winds of Winter. They are great!-   

P.S.: : I found a new fave character alongside Tyrion and Jon.. anddddddd the character is Lyanna Mormont :D
(her one minute speech was really nice and she made me smile widely. She is so bad ass!!!!!!)


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