Jakartan, Mall, and Things in between
I moved to Jakarta around one and a quarter year s ago and referring to my current job, I will probably going to stay in this city for quite longer. Well, long enough to adress myself as a Jakartan –a label I don’t really fancy but still, I need to get used to it, and maybe, love it somehow- The interesting part is, I simply define ‘Jakartan’ as ‘a person who lives in Jakarta’ but according to some of my friends, or other people in general, apparently the meaning of this word is so much more than that. These particular friends who have been seeing my stories and posts on instagram tell me that I’ve become Jakartan because I hang out at malls and cafes a lot, and sometimes at the karaokes too, if I may add. Those comments make me laugh , for real . I don’t know how people see it but I come to a conclusion that ‘Jakartan’ is a label which is inseparable with some specific terms such as Urban lifestyle, Prestige, Hedonism, and other similar things –which I don’t nee...