
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2016

My Top 10 Music/Music Videos in 2016

Ah, ga kerasa this is already the time of the year buat nulis rekap2an again. Sama seperti tahun sebelumnya, ada banyak MV di tahun 2016 yang kece badai dan berhasil menghibur hidup gue mostly saat berada dalam transjogja ataupun kebut2an ngejar deadline di kantor (uhm, nganu…ngejar deadline malah yutupan? Hahaha don’t u dare to judge me) Well, kenapa post ini penting? Seperti yang sudah gue terangin sebelumnya, banyak waktu gue yang gue pakai untuk ngedengerin musik ataupun mantengin MV. Yep, gue tipe orang yang ga bisa untuk nggak nyolokin headset di telinga, kapanpun itu. Gak sehat sih memang, gue bahkan udah bisa ngebayangin gue harus memakai alat bantu dengan di umur 70an gue. But yowes lah yaa…sama seperti prinsip pecinta makanan, I will give up my 5 years of life to enjoy any kind of unhealthy foods which makes my live happier and worth living instead of punya 5 tahun tambahan tapi gatau gimana nikmatnya sate koyor. (hahaha, kebanyakan alesan) Okay okay, mari kita...

Emptiness Kills, a Prequel

“Does life get better when we are older?” “No…" “No?" Asked Riley with a sad look in her face. Celeste pulled a smile while shook her head. " …But you do, you get better.” -Celeste and Jesse Forever (2012) Emptiness kills? Yeah, it does. Really, it does. Maybe not physically but it is capable of killing a person, mentally. That’s why me and my friend often make a joke out of it. How we are dead inside in daily basis and almost feel nothing while our body is perfectly fine. LOL, this kind of post AGAIN?? Sorry in advance because I am afraid that the content of this post is going to be as devastated as the title. Hang on, okay? Here’s a rope, and here’s a candle. If I do not show up more than a month after this post is being published, you know where to find me, lol *sodorin ice cream populaire rasa stroberi* Okay, let’s get straight to the bussines *setelin lagu James Bay-Let it go biar dapet vibe ‘’...

Public transport and sexual harassment (?)

Percaya ataupun enggak, gue masih sedikit gemetar ketika menulis post ini setelah sepersekian detik yang lalu gue secara random turun dari bus transjogja. Nggak peduli dimana, yang jelas otak gue menginstruksikan bahwa gue harus segera turun dari bus saat itu juga. Bagi yang belum tau, gue adalah pengguna transjogja since like forever. Dalam seminggu, gue menggunakan transjogja dari senin hingga jumat, mostly dengan tujuan pulang pergi kantor. Sama seperti hari kerja biasanya, hari ini gue keluar dari kantor sekitar pukul 16.30 lalu segera berjalan kaki menuju halte transjogja terdekat (kopma UGM) untuk menunggu bus jalur 3A. Gue merasa beruntung hari ini karena busnya nggak terlalu penuh, hanya ada beberapa penumpang yang berdiri. Saat gue memasuki bus, gue secara nggak sengaja bertukar tatap dengan seorang mas2 muda berambut keriting yang menggunakan kaos berwarna ungu dan ripped jeans typical  mahasiswa yang berdiri tepat di depan pintu. Gue nggak ada firasat apa2. Saat gue d...

Emptiness Kills (The Cause and The Cure)

“Hi, dude.” “Hi” “How’s life?” “Dead inside, as always :p” “LOL, I take that as ‘fine’ since you are being dead inside way too often.” “Hahah, damn it.” “I think I just found a cure for my dead inside-ness tho. That is why I text you.” “Really? What is it then?” “Brace yourself okay, it is really important.” “Okay, I am all ears.” “The answer is...silaturahmi.” “Hmmm, what?” “Silaturahmi.” “  :| " “What?” “It feels so wrong to get word ‘silaturahmi’ from you. I don’t know why.” “Cuk, I am being serious right now. Silaturahmi.” “Hahaha, Im being serious too. Just stop saying silaturahmi. Your face, nah, your attitude doesn’t suit that noble word.” “I wanted to help you a second ago but now all I think is finding the right place to hide your dead body after I poison your food.” “Hahaha okay okay please, enlighten me with this precious ‘silaturahmi’ idea. Please.” “Remember when I asked you the reaso...