Soft Skill: Sugar Coating
Dramatic-Delusional Mode: ON
Hi Guys! It’s been
a while (well, more than a while I guess) since I last posted about
random-unimportant stuff here.
How’s life?
enough, it is safe for me to say I am fine.
It’s been sooo
long and to be honest, I am a bit ashamed by the fact that I just hid in my
cave for hundred years and abandoned this sanctuary of mine – baca: blog usang
tempat tsurhat in a very childish way- just because I was too scared of some
new facts I’d learned about this so called layff.
So, why today? Why
I show up once again?
Well, because it
is tiring tho, being idle. lol. Plus, I have so much things to share actually.
Okay, enough with
the confession intro.
Let’s go straight
to the topic.
Sugar Coating?
I remember once I wrote
here that I wanted to share things about my new job and my new life in this
Mighty Jekardah as a program evaluator of this –as Mighty- Ministry.
How is it going,
Well, lemme
describe a bit about my duty and responsibility so you can at least get the big
picture. I am working as a program evaluator and my job is to evaluate
development programs under one particular Ministry of the current cabinet of
our country.
a harsh point of view,
my job is basically identifying the flaws of the program implementation
perfomance or on other words, I am looking for errors. The worse
part is, the result of my evaluation is going to be one of the key inputs of
the National Budgeting in the following year.
from the even harsher other point of view, the reccomendation Im going to make would affect
how much budget allocation of that ministry would get. So I am just basically a
scary witch in the front of that Ministry I’ve been evaluating. lol what a hateful
job, isn’t it?
There are a lot of
things I’ve learned for being an evaluator. One of them is sugar coating. I don’t
really fond of this skill to be honest, but working in a sensitive field like
this, which involved many people –who have hearts and are capable of feeling
something, if I may add- indeed does require one giant set of this ‘magic trick’
so you won't get killed (lol, I'm kidding).
I mean, let us
just try to put ourselves in their shoes for once.
They’ve been
working for one whole year to build this country. They’ve invested their blood,
sweat and tears -well, I don't know in which degree their effort were at tho-
and suddenly, there is a stranger, an outsider, who casually walks in and comes
to judge what they’ve accomplished.
I can’t just instantly
point out my finger toward them when I see an ineffectiveness.
I can’t just say “Bapak, Ibu, to be honest, saya rasa program
yang anda kerjakan tidak membantu kemajuan negara ini, at all. Thus Im going to
shut your program down.” With my resting-bitch face and annoying voice even
though I really really want to.
Why? Because it
does me no good! *mind blown*
I am not trying to
play angel or something. All I just realize is that delivering a bad news with
a bad attitude is not going to get us anywhere. The responsibility of an
evaluator doesn’t stop at finding an error, but s/he is also challenged to
propose an improvement otherwise what s/he has found would be useless.
During my data
analyzing, I found out that, among many programs I was evaluating, there was a
certain program which got me be like “this
program is bad, the concept itself is almost nonsensical, the timeline is
messed up, blablabla.” I yelled at my computer out of frustration, I stared
blankly at those charts, on my cluttered desk. There were bags under my eyes,
pimples started showing up, I ate more than usual. Wait what? Forget it.
But, as an
evaluator, I will not and I shall not throw all of those uncool barenaked facts
recklessly even though at the moment, I begun to afraid that I would lose my own
sanity too lol.
During the
verification meeting, it would be more accepted and understood if I say “you’ve formulated an interesting approach
on this program, however..there are some components which didn't run well. Did
you face any obstacle on the implementation? do you have any suggestion to make
it better?”
In all
seriousness, it might make me sounds like a two-faced person, it does in fact,
I believe so. But that is not the point.
The point is, as I
said earlier, an evaluation will be a waste without a solution, a further
recommendation, right?
BUT let’s say,
even if it does success on producing a recommendation, it would still as
useless if the implementers implement the recommendation half-heartly due
to our harsh words and bad attitude.
Can you imagine
how ridiculous it is that one national development program couldn’t run
optimally just because this mere reason?
I mean, developing
a country is not a one-step-action which could be done by one actor only. We
have to be able to communicate, consolidate, and compromise our ideas without
offending other people in the same room. Because like it or not, we have to
admit that we need them just like they need us. (this last sentence kayak dialog2 pilem action tho uwuwuwu)
Again, pardon my absurdness please..
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Find de lesson already?
I hope so.
thanks for the comment anyway :D