
Keep the flame burning

Sekitar dua tahun yang lalu, gw memutuskan untuk meninggalkan Jogja kota tercinta dan pindah ke Jakarta untuk mengejar this so called better-brighter career . Bagi gw, meninggalkan Jogja sama saja halnya dengan meninggalkan bagian besar dalam hidup gw; pekerjaan yang gw suka, teman-teman yang sudah seperti keluarga, lingkungan hidup yang sudah membuat gw terbiasa. Lalu pertanyaannya adalah, demi apa? Jika lu adalah orang yang saat ini berusia sekitar pertengahan 20, terlahir dan dibesarkan dengan budaya Asia yang kental, dan belum menemukan yang namanya a ‘real' job , gw rasa kalian semacam bisa memahami keputusan yang gw ambil pada waktu itu. Punya pekerjaan tetap bagi seorang sarjana yang telah melewati masa fresh graduate  seolah adalah segalanya. Terlebih lagi, pekerjaan mapan bukan hanya tentang kejelasan masa depan dan kesejahteraan/kemampuan foya-foya, tapi juga tentang kelegaan orang tua dan validasi dari tetangga (:p). Lucu kan? Hal ini menjadi terasa lebih lucu l...

Where Do We Stand?

Working as a strategic planner whose the main objective is to improve investment realization is not the wisest line of job specifically if you try to correlate this objective with ‘Nationalism – Cinta Tanah Air’ so called prinsip berbangsa. I and my friends, of all people, are fully aware of that from the very moment we step our feet into the office we are currently pledge our loyalty to. In fact, the 'where do we stand'  question even has become an inseparable part of our profession and a fundamental footing for us every time we try to play our role. So, when one or two or three or some classmates or even the teachers from different ministries/agencies questioned our nationalism during the 5-week-joined-pelatihan-dasar-for-CPNS-classes, I found it quite hilarious. There was even this one friend from my class who directly asked me, on the opened forum, “Jadi sekarang makin mudah ya kita ngejual negara?” after I finished my presentation about the newest investment licensing...

A Letter to You Whom I Might or Might Not Hurt

Jakarta, April 5 th 2018 I don’t really understand myself why I decide to make this lame letter but then again, I don’t want this ‘mengganjal’ feeling keeps bothering me so I need to 'make peace' with it -through this letter-. I promise that I won’t use depressing ‘cry me a river’ writing style in here lol so endure it just for a little while alright? And there we go: Where do I start? Uhm, how about the beginning of all of this? Okay, ready? Once upon a time, a weird naïve girl met a boy who was just as weird. With the help of a strange fate, they didn’t slay any dragon nor found a mountain of hidden treasures since it wasn’t that kind of story anyway lol but at least on that moment, an absurd platonic story between them just began. . We didn’t talk much. Only once or twice a year, to be exact *inserts another pathetic lol in here But still, there was something between us, as my friend claimed. She said that there was an unspoken feeling between us....

Jakartan, Mall, and Things in between

I moved to Jakarta around one and a quarter year s ago and referring to my current job, I will probably going to stay in this city for quite longer. Well, long enough to adress myself as a Jakartan –a label I don’t really fancy but still, I need to get used to it, and maybe, love it somehow- The interesting part is, I simply define ‘Jakartan’ as ‘a person who lives in Jakarta’ but according to some of my friends, or other people in general, apparently the meaning of this word is so much more than that. These particular friends who have been seeing my stories and posts on instagram tell me that I’ve become Jakartan because I hang out at malls and cafes a lot, and sometimes at  the karaokes too, if I may add. Those comments make me laugh , for real . I don’t know how people see it but I come to a conclusion that ‘Jakartan’ is a label which is inseparable with some specific terms such as   Urban lifestyle, Prestige, Hedonism, and other similar things –which I don’t nee...

Random Filler

(filler in here refers to some irrelevant episodes which don't have a clear contribution to the main idea of the series) (as in Naruto series) For some reasons, I just re-read the content of this blog and come into a conclusion that I sound gloomy-er recently. Well, even though  this blog was originally created as my tsurhat tanpa tedeng aling2 media and I didn’t feel the need to sugar-coat anything I was going to write, I still couldn't deny the fact that I was not happy of the ugly side of me I’d shown during those centain period of times. Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about. Everyone is up against something so it is kinda pathetic to shamelessly whining and whining while the others put their anxiety into action. So, Imma brighten this cuaca mendung a little bit with a story about my peculiar ally. Yep, an ally. Like ‘black widow-hawkeye in avengers: civil war’ kind of ally. I met this person the moment I entered my previous job. My first impr...

My Top Ten Music/Music Videos in 2017 [Western Edition] [with a freakin long yet irrelevant intro beforehand :p]

Jakarta , March 7 th 201 8 What a nice date to release this super late post. lol I am sorry. Referring to its title, this post normally was  meant to bereleased by the end of the year but since I was too busy doing something stupid –well of course. I mean, what else could it be- I had to delay on writing this useless list. On my defense, it is not like some people lives were depend on it and the world would be thrown into chaos without this extremely important list anyway so… let this slide please Ehehehe *literally laughs in Patrick Star creepy-clueless style But! Before we are going further to the main topic, I feel the need to make some of blog related announcements . First of all , I am planning to revive this blog by writing more often in 2018. Using ‘2017-was-a-rough-year-for-me-so-I-didn’t-have-time-to-write-insignificant-posts’ as an excuse sounds so lame and just make me feel more pitiful tbh. Therefore, instead focusing on things that has been changing ...

A message to the younger me

When I was in high school, a friend asked me what kind of career I would be pursuing in the future and the foolish me answered almost in no time that any career would be fine as long as it was not a teacher. I seemed so convinced back then. With the naive-most likely mengarah ke idiotic- my way of thinking, I simply correlated ‘teacher’ with ‘study continously for the rest of our life till I go bald and covered with wrinkles’ so that got me be like,...”Thanks but hell no” lol, little did I know that life was one giant joke which put constant changing and eternal learning as its main prank. So, here is the message for the my younger self: “ You are screwed, sucker!!! ” *literally doing an LOL to the point cries my eyes out while laying under my working desk. Does anyone remember the famous Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? No? Picture taken from here There, take a look! The high school version of me only revolved around breathe-eat-sleep-repeat cycle. Not much but tha...