
A friend ever asked me what my dream for the future is and I automatically said that I wanted to be happy. He thought for a minute and then replied: “if your dream is to be happy, isn’t it implied that you are not happy today, in the present?”
Then I thought, and I thought and I thought.
He was right.
Soon I realized that happiness was not something you seek as a goal, but something that glued to the process, whatever the goal was.
*lalu emak gue sukuran since anaknya mulai menunjukkan tanda-tanda kewarasan lol

God is merciful
Thus, He designs happiness as something that has no boundary nor minimum standars.
A granny who sells mineral water at some conjunctions can be happy eventhough she has no money nor health insurance.
A newspaper boy smiled widely after someone who bought his newspaper told him to keep the change. He was happy regardless how relatively unlucky he was, compared to other young boys.

This granny and this boy have the same chance as much as other people to experience happiness.
Being poor doesn’t prevent you from being happy. Having limitations more that anyone else doesn’t eliminate the possibility of you, to be happy.

Then why does it seem so difficult for us to be happy?
Because sometimes, we create our own definition of happines and this version is more expensive that the actual one.
We start to build standards for our happiness, unconciously.
Say, most of your friends already have an outstanding achievement in both career and love life. They have great position in the company and a beautiful wife to celebrate with.
Then you (smartass-ly) conclude that in order to be happy, you need to have a fancy career and a wife.
You work really really hard everyday to achieve that deviated-mistranslated-happiness of yours and sometimes, it tragically buries simple-happiness that you’ve actually had (yes, I used double ‘have’, njir ngeri)
You ignore texts from your friends since you are constantly busy with your work
You pretend that you do not hear the phone call since you are too tired after working the whole day
You stress out because something went wrong in work yet you don’t have someone to talk to since you’ve just realized that there was a huge distance (you’ve created) between you and your friends already.

I’ve been falling to the same illusion many times.
Therefore, I make this little note as a reminder.

Living this new life in this completely new stage teaches me that happines is really simple.
You can be happy just over smallest things.
For example...Nemu warung nasi yang enak dan murah; Punya kosan yang deket banget dengan puskesmas; Punya temen yang selalu nanyain kabar dan mau dimintain saran untuk hal-hal sepele macam harga keset dan galon aqua; Nemu pasar tradisional dan dapet sapu dengan harga 15 rebu :p

The key is gratefulness
Being aware of every fortunate thing you have and every good event you’ve through -even the most trivial and unimportant ones- helps you realize that happiness is not something complicated.

You still can pursue your grand ambition, but remember that goal and happiness are two different things. So don’t be mistaken and end up failing both.

P.s.: just in case you are wondering why I mentioned Happiness is one of my priority/goal in my previous post..well, thats happiness is a bit different 😅
Confusing and full of ambiguity, right?
Im a geminian, what did you expect from mehhh?


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