
JungKook (정국) - Working (일하는중) (Yanghwa BRDG Cover)

I just got back to Jakarta from my nice-long-break at home last night so it is no surprise for me to feel under the weather today. (btw, I consider 10 days as super long break, hellyeah, jealous? :p)
Anyway, speaking about home.. yeah, I am a 26 y.o. fully-functioned-adult who still aren't immune to homesick kinda disease.
Listening to this song isn’t helping either. On the contrary, it is just making it worse.
Well, just lemme mubazirly re-write some of the lyrics here to show you why.

At my house, I was always all alone.
Dad went to work. Whenever I asked him where he was going, it was always ‘working’.
I remember my young self waiting for my pocket money,
Mom, dad, hyung, I am the youngest, the cutie
I remember myself in those days, I remember.
Let’s be happy
Let’s be happy
I earn money, all the money
I used to say “Mom, just 100 won.”
But now my mom, dad, and even my dog look to me.
I get a call, it’s my mom
Ringringring, “Son, are you doing well?” to the question of where I am .
I answer: “Working.”
Mom, let’s be happy. Let’s not be hurt.
Back then, when I was young, I didn’t know anything.
That feeling of just watching whenever I asked my dad where he was, where he was going,
He always said working, working.
Now I am there, in that spot.

Killer isn't it?  lol
What I am feeling right now is not all that bad tho. There is this a tiny piece of gratitude either.
I'm truly thankful for my family and the time that I got to spend with them.
I spent my entire break being at home. I am not kidding.
I enjoyed being there.
In the night, we all ate together in one big dipan we had. 
It was crowded and loud. We talked about mundane things. We shared some insignificant stories but It didn’t even matter. Sometimes we expressed our gratitude out loud because we had made so far from our worst situations way back then.
Some other times my dad and brother protested because the menu was always my favorite while my sister didn’t bother at all because she was an omnivore. 
In the morning, everyone left for their duty.
My mom and dad went to work,
I washed the dishes, did the laundry, mopped the floor and the yards, brought out the garbage, and any other household chores.
In the afternoon, everyone got back home.
Sometimes they had a good day, and sometimes they had a bad day.
I made them tea, and did anything I could to fix the day.
It all came and through. No need to worry.
In the evening, mom cooked delicious foods. And then we all gathered, to eat another grateful meal.
All those might be a boring-simple routine for most people out there but me.

Hope my mom does well,
Hope my dad does well,
Hope my siblings do well.
Let’s us be happy. Let’s us not be hurt.

My dad first question when he knew that I switched job: “does the new office has a mushola? Don’t forget your prayer ya nok, pray always.”
Well, dad..it has a beautiful Mosque.
Don’t worry.

Let’s us be happy.


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