

“Oh hiii, wassup?”

"So, is earth globe-shaped or is it flat?"

"LOL, that flat earth conspiracy you showed me is a bit off but I like it, seems like we are in a sci-fi movie."

"See...I told you! even tahu bulat does not as bulat as its name."

"You are high dude, you are high...I don't know that broken heart causes brain damage too. hahaha, forgive meeeh."

“Meh, lemme ask u a question.”


“Why you aren’t married to someone?”

“Wait what? The heck…are u drunk?”

“No, just curious. All your besties are married already.”

“You know why.”

“No I don’t.”

“Well…I don’t even know what I am doing with my life just yet and my future status is still belum terjangkau PLN.”

“Lol. You know you can’t wait till everything is perfect.”


“U mad?”

“Nope, that was just an excuse anyway, you know the real reason.”

“Uhmm…that you are an alien??”

“Hahaha, yeah that is one of several reasons. Do you remember the other day, when I told you I just got into some sort of a little confrontation with someone at work? That moment I realized that I could not married to someone. I do not know how to handle a confrontation. All I did was cried and it did not solve the actual problem.”

“He is just an asshole.”

“Lol, no. I am at the fault too. And that’s not the point. The point is, I am bad at human-relationship. Thus, marriage is just such a scary idea.”

“Meh, marriage is an adventure.”

“You eat too much mecin.”

“Nooo. This is for real tho. I want to marry someone but I still don’t have enough confident.”

“Hahaha, People say that all you need to get married is love.”

“You are being sarcastic, right?”

“Lol, you know me so well, dude. But seriously, why do people tend to rush getting married and stuff? It doesn’t automatically solve their life problem or something.”

“25 is not rushed.”

“I am 25, I went home at 2 pm to take a nap, on my work day, just because I couldn’t handle my work partner harsh words, and btw…I cried all my way home which I tried so hard to hide since I took Trans Jogja.”

“Hahaha you are so screwed.”

“Someone as wrecked as me would not dare to have an expectation about building a happy family and live a wonderful life. I don’t even sure there would be someone, out there, who decides to stay after see all my monstrous traits."

“I ask wrong person about this matter.”

“Hahaha damn right. I am screwed.”

“We are screwed. I still want to get married though, lol. Screw you.”


“I love tahu bulat so much to the point it is not normal anymore.”

“Now we know the reason why you ask this abrupt question at this abrupt hour :| “

“You should stop playing CoC Though. It isn’t good for your heart lol."

“Damn. Im 25 and still play CoC with 14yo strangers online.”

“Hahaha, you liar, you said you quit.”

“I was,….for 3 weeks hahaha. I got addicted dude, you are also the one to blame.”

"So, no marriage?"

"Dunno, marriage is like a bonus in life. not everyone gets a bonus in life. Godspeed my friend, Godspeed."

"What if there is someone who is willing to try to face all those monstrous trait you mentioned earlier?"

"What if."

P.S.; this is just a random convo between me and my two friends (I mixed it up)
Great...How dare I post another weird stuff while in fact I just found out that one of my tutor at work had discovered this sinful blog
I should shut this accoount, change my name to Esmeralda, move to Columbia and start a job as a Columbian Drug Cartel servant.


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